Hi, I’m Ian!
In my own life, I often think I wish I knew about mindfulness sooner!
Spending years working as clergy in a religious institution full of negative messaging, stigma, and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ members, I struggled with my own pride. As someone who suffered from severe stress & anxiety for years, I knew something needed to change. At that time, every therapist, coach, and mentor was recommending mindfulness, and since nothing else had worked, I went all in.
Mindfulness provided a proven system to finally overcome stress & anxiety and create the life I want.
Now, after studying with the world’s best teachers, thousands of hours of meditation, working through four certifications and teaching countless classes, I’ve combined all my experience and professional expertise in a proven SYSTEM that can maximize resilience and inner-strength for the LGBTQIA community. I’ve been teaching mindfulness classes and providing meditation coaching to individuals for over six years.
Mindful Pride exists for one simple reason: help individuals cultivate emotional resilience and self-acceptance to lead a more fulfilling life.